Year of New Beer: Country Western Volume 8: Cinnamon Toast, Country Boy Brewing/West 6th Brewing
Written By: Dion on 07/31/2020
While the loss of Lexington Craft Beer Week this spring was certainly a disappointment, this loss, in the big picture, was pretty insignificant. But that doesn't mean us beer nerds couldn't take a bit of solace in the delayed-but-finally-here release of the latest iteration of Country Western, the original "official" beer of Lexington Craft Beer Week. This partnership between Country Boy and West 6th has produced some awesome beers, and this one is destined to be near the top of that list. The nose is reminiscent of a breakfast pastry...perfumed cinnamon atop a toasted croissant, with a light milk chocolate glaze. Very sweet, which transitions to the tongue in much the same fashion, as the lactose and cinnamon dominate more subtle tones of graham cracker and cocoa powder. Undercurrents of toast and nuts through the finish, with little mention of the 8.5% ABV contained within. Cheers and a hearty "Job well done!" to the folks at both breweries.