Year of New Beer: There Will Be Mango, Rock House Brewing (Lexington)
Written By: Dion on 08/15/2020
Take the already delicious Fuzzbox New England IPA, then add mango, lime, and habañero. It's gonna be good, right? Yes, yes it is. The nose on this is much sweet, juicy mango. The lime is very subtle, as is the pepper at this point, just a bit earthy. Turning to the taste buds, things heat up a bit. The mango still commands the early palate, providing just the right amount of sweetness to balance the habañero heat that hits in the middle and only builds as the glass warms. I can't necessarily pick out any lime, but then again, the flavor could be quite different if it wasn't there, I don't know. If you're not a pepper fan, this might be a little spicy for you. But I think the balance between sweet and heat is very well done here. Rock House is killing it right now.