Year of New Beer: (L) Slim Shandy, Mirror Twin (Lex), and (R) Hazy IPA w Apricots, West Sixth (Lex)
Written By: Dion on 03/27/2021
Today I had a couple of new beers. Both were really good. The Slim Shandy featured slightly sweet lemon juice with a perfectly balanced punch of ginger. Incredible poolside crusher. The apricot IPA from West 6th was a no-holds-barred punch in the face of juicy fruit. If you like apricot, this is going to be in your wheelhouse. As much as I enjoyed the beers, today was more about friends, some of whom I haven't seen in a year or more. I got to hug friends today, and I honestly wasn't prepared for how that hit me emotionally. I can't wait to do it again next week, or the week after...whatever. Just give me warm weather and vaccinated friends willing to give hugs. Beer is secondary.