Year of New Beer: Blood of the Sunsets, 3 Floyds Brewing (IN)

Written By: Dion on 11/06/2016

I came home from work this evening with pretty much the same objective as usual...find a decent beer, get something to eat, and try to unwind. Instead, I poured this about 15 minutes before getting the call from my wife and learning that her dad had passed away. He and I shared many beers over the years. After buying my first house, we quickly figured out the proper ratio of beer to soak time when stripping off 50 year-old wallpaper. He knew that I liked "fancy" beers, and I'll never forget how proud he was when Emily and I came over and he had purchased some for me. "Stella ArTOOSE", he called them. When he came to our house, he would always ask if I "had anything in that fridge that he would like", and I usually did. I never did fully convert him to craft beer, as he had a soft spot for Rolling Rock and Hamm's. He wouldn't have cared for tonight's beer. Too bitter, for sure. He would've laughed when I said it tasted like citrus and damp earth. He would've shook his head at its $10 price tag, telling me he could get half a case of Hamm's for that. Sorry for not giving this beer a fair review tonight. It's good, well worth the $10, but I'd rather be sharing a Hamm's with my father-in-law.